AI-Powered Lessons That:

Enhance Your Curriculum. Build Digital Literacy Skills.

Types of Lesson Plans

AI Literacy:

Designed to teach students about AI concepts, ethics, and applications.

AI Plagiarism Icon

AI Integration:

Incorporating AI tools and discussions into existing curriculum across various subjects to enhance learning and engagement.

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Integrating AI
Generating Hybrid Animals with AI

Why? In this lesson, students use an AI text generator to create and describe imaginative hybrid animals, exploring the integration of specific diverse animal traits and considering the ecological implications of these fictional creatures. Thro... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

Integrating AI
Understanding Political Perspectives with AI

Why? This lesson introduces students to the varied political perspectives that characterize the United States, helping them to analyze and understand the motivations and reactions of different political groups to hypothetical events. By explori... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

AI Literacy, Integrating AI
Being Creative by Doing the Opposite of AI

Why? This lesson plan encourages students to explore creativity and critical thinking by contrasting AI-generated ideas with their opposites. It highlights the value of unique perspectives in creative writing and/or problem-solving. By analyzin... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

Integrating AI
Generating Case Studies for Any Subject

Why? In this lesson, students will utilize ChatGPT or a similar generative AI to create case studies, practicing using analytical and critical thinking skills on AI-generated content. This activity will help students understand the capabilities... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

Integrating AI
Out of this World Activities: Exploring Life on Other Planets with AI

Why? This lesson encourages students to integrate scientific concepts with creative thinking by envisioning activities in extraterrestrial environments. It utilizes generative AI to expand their understanding of physics and environmental factor... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

Integrating AI
Diverse Solutions with AI: Explaining Why Students Got Different Answers on Math Problems 

Why? This lesson can be used at any time when students are struggling to understand why they arrived at different answers, focusing specifically on mathematical problem solving. In it, students use generative AI to explore mathematical problem-... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

Integrating AI
Analyzing a Writer’s Style with AI

Why? This lesson encourages students to actively engage with and analyze literary style, helping them develop critical reading and thinking skills. By using generative AI to dissect and discuss an author’s style, students gain insights into h... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

AI Literacy
Lifelike AI robots: What is the Uncanny Valley?

Why? This lesson on the Uncanny Valley introduces students to critical concepts in robotics and artificial intelligence, focusing on human responses to humanoid robots that resemble humans in appearance and behavior. By exploring emotional reac... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

AI Literacy, Integrating AI
How Human is AI? ChatGPT vs the Turing Test

Why? This lesson plan introduces students to the fascinating world of artificial intelligence and the Turing Test through direct interaction and critical analysis of AI text generators like ChatGPT. By engaging with AI, students will grasp the ... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

Integrating AI
AI and Historical Perspective

Why? In this lesson, students use the brainstorming ability of generative AI to look into what people thought, believed, and understood at the time of a historical event or development. This lesson builds critical thinking, empathetic understan... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

AI Literacy
A Conversation Between AI Chatbots

Why? In this lesson, students will explore the capabilities and limitations of artificial intelligence by engaging two different AI chatbots in a conversation. They will learn about natural language processing and AI responsiveness by observing... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

Integrating AI
AI and International Customs

Why? This lesson aims to enhance students' understanding of international customs and cultural etiquette, critical for navigating both business and personal interactions globally. By interacting with an AI chatbot, students will engage in activ... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

Integrating AI
Illustrating Vocab Words with AI Image Generators

Why? This lesson uses AI image generators to transform abstract vocabulary learning into a dynamic visual experience, building deeper understanding and retention among students. By integrating technology and creativity, it encourages students t... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

AI Literacy
What is AI Prompt Engineering?

Why? This lesson introduces students to the concept of prompt engineering, teaching them how to craft effective prompts to elicit desired responses from AI systems. Through hands-on activities and discussions, students learn the impact of the... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

AI Literacy, Integrating AI
Comparing Answers from Various AI Bots:Bing, Gemini, ChatGPT, oh  my!

Why? In this lesson, students will compare and analyze responses from various generative AI models based on criteria such as accuracy, relevance, completeness, clarity, and creativity. Through hands-on evaluation and critical reflection, they w... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

Integrating AI
Book Reading
AI and Student Writing Revisions –Explaining Why Something is Wrong

Why? This lesson uses AI technology to offer a novel approach to teaching writing, providing students with immediate, personalized feedback on their drafts, which can enhance their understanding of writing mechanics and encourage self-directed ... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

AI Literacy, Integrating AI
Comparing Google Gemini’s Drafts
Comparing Google Gemini’s Drafts

Why? This lesson empowers students to analyze AI-generated text, a skill critical in today's information-rich world. They learn to identify strengths and limitations, fostering responsible AI use and critical thinking. By comparing and evalua... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

Integrating AI
AI and Persuasion: Ethos, Pathos, and Logos Supports
AI and Persuasion: Ethos, Pathos, and Logos Supports

Why? This lesson on ethos, pathos, and logos equips students with the foundational skills of persuasive communication, crucial for both academic and real-world contexts. Understanding these rhetorical strategies enables students to critically ... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

Integrating AI
AI and Persuasion: Anticipating Objections
AI and Persuasion: Anticipating Objections

Why? A common element of persuasion is identifying possible objections or differing points of view, and then refuting or diminishing them. This lesson helps students with the challenging process of brainstorming likely objections. By masterin... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

Integrating AI
“Show, Don’t Tell”: Indirect Characterization with AI Images

Why? This lesson enriches students' narrative writing skills by emphasizing the importance of "show, don't tell," a pivotal technique in engaging storytelling. It strengthens critical thinking and creativity, encouraging students to craft deta... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

AI Literacy
Sorting Algorithms
What Are Sorting Algorithms?

Why? This sorting algorithm lesson is instrumental in fostering AI literacy among students, providing a foundational understanding of how algorithms operate. Algorithms are a core component of AI, used to organize and process information. By g... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

Integrating AI
AI & Memes: Understanding Visual Humor

Why? This lesson immerses students in the rapidly evolving world of Artificial Intelligence, a field that is increasingly influential in many aspects of our lives. By exploring AI's capabilities and limitations in image recognition and interp... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

Integrating AI
The World in 25 People: Global Proportions with AI

Why? This lesson, which scales down global demographics to the number of students in a specific classroom, aided by AI-generated text, is useful for a holistic educational experience, applying in several classes, including social studies, geog... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

Integrating AI
AI and the Economics of Prices
AI and the Economics of Prices

Why? Understanding the economics of pricing is useful for students as they navigate the world of consumerism, business, and personal finance. In this lesson, designed for a middle-school social studies course, we will explore pricing concepts ... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

Integrating AI
Illustrating Step-by-Step Processesusing AI Image Generators

Why? This lesson introduces students to the practical applications of AI technology, building their AI literacy and understanding. This exposure to AI tools and their creative potential prepares students for the increasingly AI-driven world, w... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

Integrating AI
Op-ed writing with AI

Why? Writing op-eds, or argumentative opinion articles, can be a great way for students to practice backing up their opinions with facts and reasoning. Often, one of the most challenging parts of op-ed writing can be acknowledging and respondi... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

Integrating AI
Physical Education: Using AI to Enhance Fitness Routines

Why? The purpose of this lesson is to empower high school students with the skills to leverage technology, specifically AI, to enhance their physical fitness routines. By engaging in creating a tailored warm-up routine with AI assistance, part... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

AI Literacy, Integrating AI
Generating Art with AI

Why? Because AI tools like MidJourney can assist in creating visually stunning artworks by manipulating existing images based on AI algorithms, they offer a fantastic medium for exploring art and fostering creativity in students. In this lesso... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

AI Literacy, Integrating AI
Finding Your Writer’s Voice in the Age of AI

Why? One of the biggest impacts of recent AI developments is the technology’s ability to produce human-like writing, leaving many to question whether there will still be a place for human writing in the future. However, it’s important to remem... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

AI Literacy
Analyzing AI-Generated Essays

Why? In a digital age where AI tools increasingly assist in content creation, understanding the nuances, strengths, and weaknesses of such content is vital. This lesson empowers students to critically evaluate AI-written essays, refining their... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

AI Literacy
Analyzing AI-Generated Descriptions of Music History

Why? Our understanding and teaching of music history can sometimes be narrowly defined by dominant narratives. This lesson not only highlights potential biases in AI-generated content but also sparks a broader conversation on making music educ... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

Integrating AI
Pulling Vocab Words from Writing Passages with ChatGPT

Why? In this lesson, students use ChatGPT to locate and define grade-appropriate vocabulary words from a given text. By engaging with this lesson, students not only learn new words but also become adept at using technology as a learning tool. ... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

Integrating AI
Alternate Shakespeare Endings with AI

Why? Because AI tools like ChatGPT are capable of mimicking the writing style of well-known authors, they can be a great tool for adapting or exploring alternatives to commonly-read works in class. In this lesson, students are asked to brainst... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

AI Literacy
AI Literacy in History Class

Why? This lesson is designed to help students develop the skills to critically evaluate AI-generated content, fostering an informed and discerning approach to both historical narratives and emerging technologies. Materials Needed Tim... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

AI Literacy
AI and Media Literacy

Why? Because students are exposed to vast amounts of news and information in their daily lives and there is a rising potential for AI-generated content, it's crucial to understand the nuances and implications of machine-authored news. This les... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

Integrating AI
“Fractured FAIrytales”: An Idea for Using AI in Theatre Class

Why? One potential use for AI technologies like ChatGPT is as a creative partner. This lesson is designed to help students rethink the plots of well-known stories then perform the new versions in order to flex their own creativity and think cr... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

AI Literacy
What do AI Customer Service Bots Do?

Why? This lesson on creating and interacting with chatbots fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills in students by immersing them in practical AI applications. It empowers students to explore real-world scenarios, understand the compl... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

AI Literacy
Decision Tree Algorithms
What Are Decision Tree Algorithms?

Why? This lesson equips students with an understanding of decision-making processes in technology, fostering critical thinking and digital literacy skills essential for navigating an increasingly AI-driven world. By learning about algorithms a... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

Integrating AI
AI and Multiple Perspectives -Vox Populi “interview” with ChatGPT
AI and Multiple Perspectives -Vox Populi “interview” with ChatGPT

Why? In a world increasingly polarized by black-and-white perspectives, especially in areas such as politics, social issues, and cultural debates, it's crucial to foster an understanding that the spectrum of human opinion is far more colorful ... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

AI Literacy
AI and Misinformation: How Hard is it to Get ChatGPT to Lie?

Why? This topic encourages students to critically assess the information provided by AI systems like ChatGPT. It helps them understand that AI, while advanced, is not infallible, and it can be influenced by the data it was trained on or the wa... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

Integrating AI
AI and Mathematics Story Problems

Why? This lesson plan introduces AI as a modern tool to enhance math education, specifically in developing and solving story problems. It leverages generative AI’s capabilities to create engaging, context-rich math problems, fostering critical... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

Integrating AI
20 Questions Review with ChatGPT

Why? This review session actively engages students in the learning process, transforming passive listening into an interactive experience. It encourages critical thinking and problem-solving as students must formulate strategic questions to de... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

AI Literacy
What is Diffusion? AI Image Generators in Action

Why? This activity demonstrates image diffusion with a simulation of  iterative learning, a key concept in both human and artificial intelligence (AI). By simulating the AI process of refining randomness into structured output, it provides a h... Please create a free account today to keep reading our lesson plans! Login

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