Illinois’ AI Education Policy Landscape

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Student Population : 1,843,400

Official Policies

No official guidance posted on ISBOE Main Site.

In the News

Currently developing a Task Force which will “investigate and provide a report on generative artificial intelligence software and natural language processing software.”

Per Illinois Principals Association, AI can be used in certain situations as a “Learning Tool”, but not as “a substitute for schoolwork that requires original thought”. “Students may not use AI, including AI image or voice
generator technology, to violate school rules or school
district policies”.


The University of Illinois system has a webpage entitled “Generative AI Guidance for Instructors” which focuses on topics such as adapting assignments, recognizing uses of GenAI, and establishing a framework for the use of GenAI in the classroom.

UChicago: The IT Department at UChicago has a resource entitled “Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) Guidance”. The page’s introduction offers the following guidance: “Generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools offer many capabilities and efficiencies that can greatly enhance our work. When using these tools, members of the University community must also consider issues related to information security, privacy, compliance, and academic integrity”.

Northwestern University has a large number of resources available for students and educators regarding AI, including Instructor Resources, AI Impact and Implications, and AI events and news. Per their main site, “Through interdisciplinary collaborations and innovative AI endeavors within many fields, we advance ethical, visionary research and pedagogy that empowers individuals, organizations, and society”.


School Districts

Chicago Public Schools (Population: 405,655): No AI guidance posted on Chicago Public Schools site.

Further Resources

Gen AI and NLP Task Force

Illinois Principals Association AI Guidelines

University of Illinois AI Page

UChicago AI Guidance

AI at Northwestern

Chicago “Student Acceptable Use Policy”

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