Student-Led Conference on AI & Education is inviting students and educators to participate in a virtual conference aimed at illuminating student perspectives on artificial intelligence and its impact on education. Educators and other stakeholders are invited to attend the conference to gain knowledge and insight from the student presenters.

AI Teaching & AI Learning


Since the release of Chat GPT in the fall of 2022, schools and teachers have been vocal about their concerns about the impact that the technology will have on academic integrity, how it will change what is taught, and whether AI will be capable of replacing teaching jobs in the future. We know that students also have their own concerns and hopes about what these AI technologies mean for their academic and career futures. Students also have valuable experience working with AI to share with peers and teachers. 



Jun 20, 2024


1pm - 4pm EDT



Eligibility to present:

Current students in high school or college

Eligibility to Attend:

Students and educators of any level

Panel discussions:

Academic integrity, plagiarism, and cheating:

Concerns about AI misuse and school policies 

Students will share their concerns about how AI can be misused and their opinions on how schools should address instances of AI misuse

An AI-driven future:

Worries and hopes about the future of school and work with AI

Students will share their thoughts on how AI will change school and work in the future and what they see as the main downsides and potential that AI presents for their future pursuits. 

The big picture:

What needs to change about school in the age of AI?

Students will share their ideas for how school should adapt to meet student needs in the age of AI.

Information sharing session:

Crowd-sourced tips on using AI

Students prepare a brief demonstration of a task have used AI to complete or a helpful feature of an AI tool that they think students or teachers should know

Apply to Present or Attend 

Student Conference Presenter Application
Which session(s) would you like to present at?
Do you want to present your tip live at the conference or in a pre-recorded video?

Student conference – student sign up
What session(s) are you interested in attending?

Student conference – teacher sign up
What session(s) are you interested in attending?

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