I want to design a “Mystery Bag” or “Inference” activity for my {grade} {subject} students that helps them develop critical thinking skills related to {topic}, so please provide specific ideas for creating engaging, hands-on activities that require students to make inferences or predictions based on clear clues or evidence related to {sub-topics}, including suggestions for materials, setup, assessment strategies, and techniques for fostering collaboration and in-depth discussion among students.

You are a curriculum designer. I’d like to develop a series of “learning stations” or “centers” for my {grade} {subject} students that allow them to explore different aspects of {topic}. Please provide specific, engaging, hands-on activities or challenges related to {sub-topics} that can be completed independently or in small groups, as well as detailed suggestions for organizing the stations, differentiating instruction for varying skill levels, and effective methods for assessing student learning at each station.

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