Please help me to create a comprehensive student-led inquiry or research project for my {grade} {subject} class focused on {topic}. I would appreciate a detailed step-by-step guide that outlines how to aid students in generating research questions, conducting thorough research on {sub-topics}, presenting their findings, and incorporating scaffolding techniques, along with effective suggestions for assessment and facilitating peer feedback throughout the process.
I’m unsure how to start a research project on the American Civil War, so could you please help me outline the essential steps, including topic selection, research methods, and resources I should consider?
Create a detailed lesson plan where [students] critically evaluate different sources of information for a [research project] by analyzing credibility, bias, and relevance to their chosen topic.
Please help me to brainstorm a list of potential topics for my research project in biology class. I am particularly interested in areas such as ecology, genetics, and human anatomy, so any suggestions within these domains would be greatly appreciated.