Empower Your Teachers with AI

Tailored Professional Development, Exclusive Tools, and Expert Consultation for Your School and District

Schools we've worked with recently

What we can offer your school and district

Custom professional development workshops

We'll work with you to design workshops that meet the needs of your schools and teachers and cover a range of key aspects of AI's impact on education.

Access to online courses for teachers

Enroll groups of teachers in one of our online courses. These courses include an accredited course for pre and in-service teachers and a short "Crash Course" to quickly get teachers up to speed on AI.

Access to webinars and events

We hold webinars twice a month targeted at key skills and knowledge of AI in education. Enroll groups of teachers in one or all of them for one bulk price.

Premium AI tools for teachers

Purchase premium access to our suite of AI tools for teachers for your entire school or district.

Premium access to Socrat.ai

Purchase premium access to our assignment-based chatbot Socrat.ai for your entire school or district. Want a specific assignment you don't see available? We'll create it for you!

A custom chatbot designed for your needs

We'll work with you to design a custom, district-branded chatbot that all your teachers and students can use. We can help your figure out exactly the right functions and features to meet your needs.

Consulting on AI policy development

Still feeling unsure about how to craft a fair and effective AI policy for your school or district? We will work with your admin team to walk you through all the pertinent questions and considerations.

While Pedagog.ai offers a suite of AI tools, our workshops do not favor or promote a particular tool and we always prioritize showcasing the platforms that teachers can access for free.

Contact Us

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